55144BC SQL Server 2014 Performance Tuning and Optimization



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Descripción del curso

Este curso está diseñado para brindar la cantidad adecuada de conocimientos internos y una gran cantidad de técnicas prácticas de ajuste y optimización que puede poner en producción. El curso ofrece una cobertura integral de la arquitectura de SQL Server, estrategias de indexación y estadísticas, optimización de las operaciones de registro de transacciones, configuración de archivos de datos y tempdb, niveles de aislamiento y transacciones, y bloqueos y bloqueos. El curso también enseña cómo crear líneas de base y comparar el rendimiento de SQL Server, cómo analizar la carga de trabajo y descubrir dónde están los problemas de rendimiento y cómo solucionarlos. Se incluye cobertura de tablas en memoria y procedimientos almacenados junto con una introducción a esta nueva e interesante tecnología.


Perfil de público

El público principal de este curso son las personas que administran y mantienen bases de datos de SQL Server y son responsables del rendimiento óptimo de las instancias de SQL Server que administran. Estas personas también escriben consultas sobre datos y necesitan garantizar un rendimiento de ejecución óptimo de las cargas de trabajo.
El público secundario de este curso son personas que desarrollan aplicaciones que entregan contenido desde bases de datos de SQL Server.



• Comprender y utilizar el nuevo estimador de cardinalidad.
• Comprender y utilizar tablas optimizadas para memoria.
• Comprender el desempeño.
• Comprender y utilizar procedimientos almacenados de inicio.
• Comprender las estructuras de bases de datos.
• Comprender y utilizar la inicialización instantánea de archivos.
• Comprender cómo SQL almacena los datos.
• Comprender cómo SQL localiza datos.
• Comprender las partes internas de las tablas temporales.
• Comprender y utilizar parámetros con valores de tabla.
• Comprender la concurrencia.
• Comprender y utilizar transacciones.
• Comprender los niveles de aislamiento.
• Comprender y utilizar la arquitectura de bloqueo de SQL Server.
• Comprender SQL y redes de área de almacenamiento (SAN).
• Comprender y utilizar SQL en máquinas virtuales.
• Comprender la utilidad SQLIO y sus usos.
• Comprender y utilizar tablas e índices particionados.
• Comprender y utilizar el Gobernador de Recursos.
• Comprender y utilizar Activity Monitor.
• Comprender las estadísticas de consultas en vivo.
• Comprender cómo monitorear SQL usando Transact-SQL.
• Comprender y utilizar DMV de rendimiento.
• Comprender los índices y su importancia.
• Comprender los tipos de índice.
• Crear y modificar índices.
• Comprender y utilizar metadatos de índice.
• Comprender y utilizar Database Tuning Advisor.
• Comprender y utilizar objetos de gestión de datos de índice.
• Comprender la fragmentación de índices y utilizar divisiones de páginas.
• Comprender las estrategias de almacenamiento de índices.
• Comprender y utilizar vistas indexadas.
• Comprender los índices de seguimiento.
• Comprender las mejores prácticas de índices.
• Comprender y utilizar objetos estadísticos.
• Comprender y utilizar el histograma.
• Comprender y utilizar un estimador de cardinalidad nuevo versus antiguo.
• Comprender y utilizar estadísticas incrementales.
• Comprender y utilizar columnas calculadas.
• Comprender y utilizar estadísticas filtradas.
• Comprender y utilizar claves ascendentes.
• Comprender y utilizar el plan de mantenimiento de estadísticas.
• Comprender la arquitectura.
• Comprender y utilizar tablas e índices.
• Comprender y utilizar el índice hash.
• Comprender y utilizar procedimientos almacenados compilados de forma nativa.
• Comprender las restricciones.
• Comprender y utilizar la herramienta Analizar informe de migración.
• Comprender y utilizar vistas de gestión de datos en memoria.
• Comprender y utilizar la plantilla SQL Trace Default.
• Comprender y utilizar la plantilla de ajuste del perfilador SQL.
• Crear y utilizar una plantilla para consultas de ejecución lenta.
• Comprender e identificar consultas de larga duración.
• Utilice Profiler para detectar puntos muertos.
• Utilice Profiler para detectar un proceso bloqueado.
• Comprender y utilizar sugerencias de consulta.
• Crear y probar una guía de plan.
• Permitir que SQL Profiler le ayude a crear un plan.
• Comprender y utilizar la congelación de planes.


Esquema del curso

Module 1: Course Overview

This module explains how the class will be structured and introduces course materials and additional administrative information.


  • Introduction
  • Course Materials
  • Facilities
  • Prerequisites
  • What We'll Be Discussing

Lab 1: Course Overview

  • None
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Successfully log into their virtual machine.
  • Have a full understanding of what the course intends to cover.

Module 2: SQL 2014 Architecture

In this module, we will examine the new Cardinality Estimator, explore memory-optimized tables, and explain how SQL both stores and locates data.


  • The New Cardinality Estimator
  • Memory-Optimized Tables
  • Understanding Performance for Developers
  • Understanding Startup Parameters
  • Startup Stored Procedures
  • Database Structures
  • Instant File Initialization
  • How SQL Stores Data
  • How SQL Locates Data

Lab 1: SQL 2014 Architecture

  • Configuring Compatibility Level
  • Startup Parameter
  • Startup Stored Procedure
  • Instant File Initialization
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Understand and utilize the new Cardinality Estimator.
  • Understand and utilize memory-optimized tables.
  • Understand performance.
  • Understand and utilize startup stored procedures.
  • Understand database structures.
  • Understand and utilize Instant File Initialization.
  • Understand how SQL stored data.
  • Understand how SQL locates data.

Module 3: The Database Engine

The SQL Server Database Engine is split into two major components, which are the storage engine and the relational engine. The relational engine is also called the query processor which is a more descriptive term for what it actually does. In this module, we explore how the engines works, and cover concepts that will help you to understand their behavior.


  • Four Important Concepts
  • Temporary Tables Internals
  • Concurrency
  • Transactions
  • Isolation Levels
  • SQL Server Locking Architecture
  • SQL and Storage Area Networks (SAN)
  • SQL on VMs
  • SQLIO Utility
  • Partitioned Tables and Indexes

Lab 1: The Database Engine

  • Table-Valued Parameter
  • Transactions
  • Vertically Partitioned Table Using Code
  • Partitioning with Filegroups
  • Partitioning Wizard
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Understand temporary table internals.
  • Understand and utilize table valued parameters.
  • Understand concurrency.
  • Understand and utilize transactions.
  • Understand isolation levels.
  • Understand and utilize SQL Server locking architecture.
  • Understand SQL and Storage Area Networks (SAN).
  • Understand and utilize SQL on virtual machines.
  • Understand SQLIO Utility and its uses.
  • Understand and utilize partitioned tables and indexes.

Module 4: SQL Performance Tools

SQL provides a number of robust monitoring tools and in this module we explore the tools available and explain what they are designed to do.


  • The Resource Governor
  • Activity Monitor
  • Live Query Statistics
  • Monitoring SQL with Transact-SQL
  • Dynamic Management Objects (DMOs) and Performance Tuning

Lab 1: SQL Performance Tools

  • Resource Governor
  • Activity Monitor
  • sp_who2
  • Performance DMVs
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Understand and utilize the Resource Governor.
  • Understand and utilize Activity Monitor.
  • Understand Live Query Statistics.
  • Understand how to monitor SQL using Transact-SQL.
  • Understand and utilize performance DMVs.

Module 5: Query Optimizing and Operators

SQL Server query optimization remains a very important part of today’s database applications. In this module we examine the tuning process, options for troubleshooting, execution plans, Performance Monitor, and much more.


  • Tuning Process
  • Performance Monitor Tool
  • SQL Query Processing Steps
  • Understanding Execution Plans
  • Data Access Operators
  • Troubleshooting Queries

Lab 1: Query Optimizing and Operators

  • Performance Monitor (perfmon)
  • Estimated vs Actual Plans and XML Plans
  • Viewing a Non-Trivial Execution Plan
  • Data Access Operators
  • DMVs
  • View Information About Extended Events
  • Wizard Templates
  • Creating a Session Without a Wizard
  • Configuring MDW and Viewing Reports
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Understand the tuning process.
  • Understand and utilize Performance Monitor tool.
  • Understand SQL query processing steps.
  • Understand and utilize execution plans.
  • Understand and utilize SET STATISTICS TIME and SET STATISTICS IO.
  • Understand and utilize Data Access Operators.
  • Understand and utilize DMVs.
  • Understand and utilize Extended Events.
  • Understand and utilize sessions.
  • Understand how to troubleshooting queries.
  • Understand how to configure a Management Data Warehouse and view reports.

Module 6: Understanding Indexes

The entire concept of indexing is speedy retrieval. In this module we explain everything you need to know about creating, utilizing, managing, and monitoring indexes.


  • Introduction to Indexes
  • Index Types by Storage
  • Index Types by Column Designation
  • Creating and Altering Indexes
  • Metadata
  • Data Management Views for Indexing
  • Database Engine Tuning Advisor
  • Index Data Management Objects
  • SQL Server Fragmentation
  • Patterns
  • Index Storage Strategies
  • Indexed Views
  • Monitoring Indexes
  • Index Dynamic Management Objects (DMOs)
  • Best Practices

Lab 1: Understanding Indexes

  • Create Indexes
  • Index Metadata
  • Database Tuning Advisor
  • Missing Index DMOs
  • Fragmentation and Page Splits
  • Data Compression
  • Indexed Views
  • DMO Index Stats
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Understand indexes and their importance.
  • Understand index types.
  • Create and alter indexes.
  • Understand and utilize index metadata.
  • Understand and utilize Database Tuning Advisor.
  • Understand and utilize Index Data Management Objects.
  • Understand fragmentation of indexes and utilize page splits.
  • Understand index storage strategies.
  • Understand and utilize indexed views.
  • Understand monitoring indexes.
  • Understand index best practices.

Module 7: Understanding Statistics

Statistics are considered one of the most important aspects of SQL Server Performance Tuning. In this module we examine statistics and how to utilize them.


  • Statistics
  • Cardinality Estimator
  • Incremental Statistics
  • Computed Columns Statistics
  • Filtered Statistics
  • Maintenance

Lab 1: Understanding Statistics

  • Statistics Objects
  • Histogram
  • New vs Old Cardinality Estimator
  • Incremental Statistics
  • Computed Columns
  • Filtered Statistics
  • Ascending Keys
  • Statistics Maintenance Plan
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Understand and utilize statistics objects.
  • Understand and utilize the histogram.
  • Understand and utilize new vs old cardinality estimator.
  • Understand and utilize incremental statistics.
  • Understand and utilize computed columns.
  • Understand and utilize filtered statistics.
  • Understand and utilize ascending keys.
  • Understand and utilize statistics maintenance plan.

Module 8: In-Memory Database

The most important new feature in SQL Server 2014 is the new In-Memory OLTP engine. In this module we will cover the architecture, restrictions, and other exciting features.


  • Architecture
  • Tables and Indexes
  • Natively Compiled Stored Procedures
  • Restrictions
  • Analyze Migrate Report Tool
  • In-Memory Data Management Views (DMV)

Lab 1: In-Memory Database

  • Creating an In-Memory Enabled Database with Code and SSMS
  • Creating a Memory-Optimized Table
  • View Hash Index
  • Natively Compiled Stored Procedure
  • AMR Tool
  • In-Memory DMVs
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Understand architecture.
  • Understand and utilize tables and indexes.
  • Understand and utilize the hash index.
  • Understand and utilize natively compiled stored procedures.
  • Understand restrictions.
  • Understand and utilize the Analyze Migrate Report tool.
  • Understand and utilize in-memory data management views.

Module 9: SQL Profiler and SQL Trace

The SQL Server 2014 Profiler is essentially the same as the SQL Server 2012 Profiler. This is not surprising because many new features that were added in SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 addressed gaps identified in previous versions. In this module, we cover both SQL Profiler and SQL Trace.


  • SQL Trace
  • SQL Trace Architecture
  • SQL Server Profiler

Lab 1: SQL Profiler and SQL Trace

  • SQL Trace Default Template
  • SQL Profiler Tuning Template
  • Create a Template for Slow Running Queries
  • Identifying Long Running Queries
  • Using Profiler to Detect Deadlocks
  • Use Profiler to Detect a Blocked Process
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Understand and utilize the SQL Trace Default template.
  • Understand and utilize the SQL Profiler Tuning template.
  • Create and utilize a template for slow running queries.
  • Understand and identify long running queries.
  • Use Profiler to detect deadlocks.
  • Use Profiler to detect a blocked process.

Module 10: Query Issues and Hints

In this module, we will examine query issues, how to identify them, and how to resolve them. We’ll also cover query hints, plan guides, and explore plan freezing.


  • Query Hints
  • Plan Guides
  • Plan Freezing
  • Join Orders

Lab 1: Query Issues and Hints

  • Create and Test a Plan Guide
  • Allow SQL Profiler to Help Create a Plan
  • Plan Freezing
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Understand and utilize query hints.
  • Create and test a plan guide.
  • Allow SQL Profiler to help create a plan.
  • Understand and utilize plan freezing.



  • Curso: Inglés

  • Labs: Inglés

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