Alteryx Designer



¿Quiere realizar este curso en modalidad telepresencial o presencial?

Póngase en contacto con nosotros por correo:, teléfonos: +34 91 031 66 78 / +34 605 98 51 30, WhatsApp: +34 685 60 05 91, o comunícate con Nuestras Oficinas


• Data Analysts who wish to explore their data and answer their business questions.
• IT staff who want to validate data quickly and collaboratively with business.
• Participants may have experience with Excel or a traditional BI tool but little experience in connecting to data stored in
different ways or in Data Discovery tools.


Alteryx Designer UI
• Windows Menu • Tool Palettes
• Favorites Palette • Configuration
• Workflow Canvas

Restructure your data
Split data, skip records, use a record as field headings, pivot and unpivot data and trim and split fields using:
• Comment • Input Data
• Sample • Dynamic Rename
• Tool Container • Text to Columns
• Select • Transpose
• Filter • Cross Tab
• Auto Field • Formula
• Output Data

Join data from different sources:
Join two tables from the same database, join the result to an Excel spreadsheet and view the output as a Pivot Table in Excel using:
• Comment • Input Data
• Auto Field • Formula
• Filter • Join
• Summarize • Output Data
• Browse • Tool Container

Create static reporting:
Create a report including maps, charts and text all on the same page using:
• Sort • Table
• Render • Charting
• Report Map • Layout
• Report Text • Date Time Now
• Append Field

Perform spatial analysis:
Specify a trade area, match customers within the trade area to the nearest store and draw a map showing the store trade area and the customers using:
• Create Points • Trade Area
• Spatial Match • Distance
• Find Nearest • Spatial Info

Parsing data with regular expressions:
Use REGEX to parse input data to create a new field, filter by a parsed REGEX expression, split a field into multiple fields, select and ignore fields, apply a sequence number to all rows, create spatial points, output as a Tableau Data Extract, create a polyline from the spatial points and browse the final result using:
• Multi-Row Formula • Record ID
• Poly-Build

See your metrics of interest on a map:
Join Postal Area data and Australian Census Basic Community Profile data, include State and Local Government Area (LGA) information and use an Alteryx macro to convert the polygon spatial data into points for Tableau using:
• Polygon for Tableau macro
Share workflows with Analytic Apps:
Create an Alteryx analytic application so that end-users without Alteryx Designer can run a workflow published to the Alteryx Public Gallery. When running the app users will be able to supply input values at run time to modify the result using:
• List Box • Action
• Numeric Up Down • Image

Exceeds KPI:
Compare actuals to budgets, alert managers who exceed their threshold automatically by email and send an email to the person who ran the workflow alerting them to the status using:
• Text Input • Email


Duración formación presencial: 5 jornadas

Duración teleformación: 230 horas

Información relacionada a la formación

Soporte siempre a tu lado

Soporte de formación: Siempre a tu lado

Formación presencial y telepresencial

¿Necesitas otra modalidad formativa?


Bonificaciones para empresas