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Objetivos del curso
- Get easy-to-follow guidance from a certified Microsoft Office Specialist Master
- Learn and practice new skills while working with sample content, or look up specific procedures
- Create attractive electronic presentations and printed publications
- Incorporate professional design elements
- Use built-in tools to capture and edit graphics
- Include audio, video, and animated elements
- Supercharge your efficiency by creating custom slide masters and layouts
- Present data in tables, diagrams, and charts
Contenido del curso
Who this book is for
The Step by Step approach
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Ebook edition
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Part 1: Get started with PowerPoint 2016
- Chapter 1: PowerPoint 2016 basics
Start PowerPoint
Work in the PowerPoint user interface
Sidebar: About Office
Identify app window elements
Sidebar: Tell me what you want to do
Work with the ribbon and status bar
Sidebar: Adapt procedure steps
Manage Office and app settings
Sidebar: Microsoft account options
Skills review
Practice tasks
- Chapter 2: Create and manage presentations
Create presentations
Open and navigate presentations
Display different views of presentations
Display standard views
Display program elements
Change the display of content
Display and edit presentation properties
Save and close presentations
Sidebar: Compatibility with earlier versions
Sidebar: Save files to OneDrive
Skills review
Practice tasks
- Chapter 3: Create and manage slides
Add and remove slides
Insert new slides
Copy and import slides and content
Sidebar: SharePoint slide libraries
Hide and delete slides
Divide presentations into sections
Rearrange slides and sections
Apply themes
Change slide backgrounds
Sidebar: Non-theme colors
Skills review
Practice tasks
Part 2: Insert and manage slide text
- Chapter 4: Enter and edit text on slides
Enter text on slides
Enter text in placeholders
Insert nonstandard characters
Add supplementary text to slides
Sidebar: Insert equations
Add a slide footer
Move, copy, and delete text
Sidebar: Format text placeholders
Format characters and paragraphs
Apply WordArt text effects
Sidebar: Configure AutoCorrect options
Check spelling and choose the best wording
Sidebar: Find and replace text and fonts
Skills review
Practice tasks
- Chapter 5: Present text in tables
Insert tables
Format tables
Modify table structure
Embed and link to Excel content
Skills review
Practice tasks
Part 3: Insert and manage visual elements
- Chapter 6: Insert and manage simple graphics
Insert, move, and resize pictures
Sidebar: Graphic formats
Edit and format pictures
Draw and modify shapes
Draw and add text to shapes
Sidebar: Locate additional formatting commands
Move and modify shapes
Format shapes
Sidebar: Connect shapes
Capture and insert screen clippings
Create a photo album
Skills review
Practice tasks
- Chapter 7: Create and manage business graphics
Create diagrams
Sidebar: Picture diagrams
Modify diagrams
Format diagrams
Create charts
Modify charts
Manage chart data
Modify the display of chart elements
Sidebar: Pie charts
Format charts
Skills review
Sidebar: Custom chart templates
Practice tasks
- Chapter 8: Add sound and movement to slides
Animate text and pictures on slides
Sidebar: Animate this
Customize animation effects
Sidebar: Bookmark points of interest in media clips
Add audio content to slides
Add video content to slides
Compress media to decrease file size
Sidebar: Hyperlink to additional resources
Add and manage slide transitions
Skills review
Practice tasks
Part 4: Finalize presentations
- Chapter 9: Review presentations
Add notes to slides
Configure slides for presentation or printing
Inspect and finalize presentations
Print presentations and handouts
Skills review
Practice tasks
- Chapter 10: Prepare and deliver presentations
Adapt presentations for different audiences
Rehearse a presentation and set slide timings
Sidebar: Prepare presentations for travel
Present slide shows
Start the slide show
Use the slide show tools
Skills review
Practice tasks
Part 5: Use advanced PowerPoint functions
- Chapter 11: Work in PowerPoint more efficiently
Change default PowerPoint options
Manage general Office and PowerPoint options
Manage proofing options
Manage file locations
Manage language options
Manage advanced options
Customize the Quick Access Toolbar
Customize the ribbon
Manage add-ins and security options
Manage add-ins
Configure Trust Center options
Skills review
Practice tasks
- Chapter 12: Create custom presentation elements
Create custom themes
Customize slide masters and layouts
Save custom presentation templates
Skills review
Practice tasks
- Chapter 13: Save and share presentations
Save presentations in other formats
Share presentations from PowerPoint
Restrict access by using passwords
Add and review comments
Coauthor presentations
Skills review
Practice tasks
Requisitos previos
Para realizar este curso se requieren conocimientos básicos de manejos de PC e Internet.
Requisitos de Software y Hardware
Hardware: PC Multimedia
Pentium IV o superior, 1 Gb de memoria, tarjeta de sonido, altavoces/cascos
Windows XP, Windows Vista o Windows 7
Navegadores: Explorer 6,7 y 8 o firefox 2 y 3
Java 1.5 o superior
Adobe Flash Player 7.0 o superior
Javascript habilitado
Adobe Reader 8.0 o superior