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Objetivos del curso
- Get easy-to-follow guidance from a certified Microsoft Office Specialist Master
- Learn and practice new skills while working with sample content, or look up specific procedures
- Create visually appealing documents for school, business, community, or personal purposes
- Use built-in tools to capture and edit graphics
- Present data in tables, diagrams, and charts
- Track and compile reference materials
- Manage document collaboration and review
- Fix privacy, accessibility, and compatibility issues
- Supercharge your efficiency by creating custom styles, themes, and templates
Contenido del curso
Who this book is for
The Step by Step approach
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Part 1: Get started with Word 2019
- Chapter 1: Word 2016 basics
Start Word
Work in the Word user interface
Sidebar: About Office
Identify app window elements
Sidebar: Tell me what you want to do
Work with the ribbon and status bar
Sidebar: Adapt procedure steps
Manage Office and app settings
Sidebar: Microsoft account options
Skills review
Practice tasks
- Chapter 2: Create and manage documents
Create documents
Open and move around in documents
Open existing documents
Sidebar: Open documents in Protected view
Sidebar: Edit PDF files in Word
Move around in documents
Display different views of documents
Display and edit file properties
Save and close documents
Manually save documents
Sidebar: Save files to OneDrive
Automatically save documents
Save documents in other formats
Sidebar: Maintain compatibility with earlier versions of Word
Close documents
Skills review
Practice tasks
- Chapter 3: Enter and edit text
Enter and import text
Sidebar: Import text from multiple documents
Move, copy, and delete text
Sidebar: Paste options
Find and replace text
Use reference and research tools
Sidebar: Install Office tools
Sidebar: Display document statistics
Skills review
Practice tasks
Part 2: Create professional documents
- Chapter 4: Modify the structure and appearance of text
Apply paragraph formatting
Configure alignment
Configure vertical spacing
Configure indents
Sidebar: Configure paragraph borders and shading
Structure content manually
Apply character formatting
Sidebar: Character formatting and case considerations
Create and modify lists
Sidebar: Format text as you type
Apply built-in styles to text
Apply styles
Manage outline levels
Change the document theme
Skills review
Practice tasks
- Chapter 5: Organize information in columns and tables
Present information in columns
Create tabbed lists
Present information in tables
Sidebar: Insert an Excel spreadsheet
Sidebar: Other table layout options
Format tables
Sidebar: Quick Tables
Skills review
Practice tasks
- Chapter 6: Add simple graphic elements
Insert, move, and resize pictures
Sidebar: Graphic formats
Edit and format pictures
Sidebar: Add video content to documents
Insert screen clippings
Draw and modify shapes
Draw and add text to shapes
Sidebar: Use the drawing canvas to draw shapes
Sidebar: Locate additional formatting commands
Move and modify shapes
Format shapes
Sidebar: Insert symbols
Add WordArt text
Skills review
Sidebar: Format the first letter of a paragraph as a drop cap
Practice tasks
Part 3: Enhance document content
- Chapter 7: Insert and modify diagrams
Create diagrams
Modify diagrams
Create picture diagrams
Skills review
Practice tasks
- Chapter 8: Insert and modify charts
Create charts
Modify charts
Manage chart data
Modify the display of chart elements
Sidebar: Pie charts
Format charts
Skills review
Sidebar: Custom chart templates
Practice tasks
- Chapter 9: Add visual elements
Format the page background
Insert a background watermark
Insert headers, footers, and page numbers
Insert preformatted document parts
Sidebar: Insert and link custom text boxes
Build equations
Sidebar: The Equation Options dialog box
Skills review
Sidebar: Set mathematical AutoCorrect options
Practice tasks
- Chapter 10: Organize and arrange content
Reorganize document outlines
Manage content in the Navigation pane
Manage content in Outline view
Arrange objects on a page
Use tables to control page layout
Skills review
Practice tasks
Part 4: Review and finalize documents
- Chapter 11: Collaborate on documents
Mark up documents
Insert comments
Track changes
Display and review document markup
Display markup
Review and respond to comments
Review and process tracked changes
Sidebar: Remember to check for errors
Compare and merge documents
Compare and combine separate copies of a document
Compare separate versions of a document
Control content changes
Restrict actions
Restrict access by using a password
Sidebar: Restrict access by using rights management
Coauthor documents
Skills review
Practice tasks
- Chapter 12: Finalize and distribute documents
Locate and correct text errors
Preview and adjust page layout
Control what appears on each page
Prepare documents for electronic distribution
Sidebar: Accessibility issues
Print and send documents
Skills review
Practice tasks
Part 5: Use advanced Word functions
- Chapter 13: Reference content and content sources
Insert bookmarks and cross-references
Sidebar: Hyperlink to additional resources
Display document information in fields
Insert and modify footnotes and endnotes
Create and modify tables of contents
Sidebar: Other reference tables
Create and modify indexes
Cite sources and compile bibliographies
Skills review
Practice tasks
- Chapter 14: Merge data with documents and labels
Understand the mail merge process
Start the mail merge process
Get started with letters
Get started with labels
Get started with email messages
Choose and refine the data source
Select an existing data source
Create a new data source
Refine the data source records
Sidebar: Refresh data
Insert merge fields
Preview and complete the merge
Create individual envelopes and labels
Generate individual envelopes
Generate individual mailing labels
Skills review
Practice tasks
- Chapter 15: Create custom document elements
Create and modify styles
Create and manage custom themes
Create and attach templates
Create custom building blocks
Skills review
Practice tasks
- Chapter 16: Customize options and the user interface
Change default Word options
Manage general Office and Word options
Manage display options
Manage proofing options
Manage file saving options
Manage language options
Manage advanced options
Customize the Quick Access Toolbar
Customize the ribbon
Manage add-ins and security options
Manage add-ins
Configure Trust Center options
Skills review
Practice tasks
Requisitos previos
Para realizar este curso se requieren conocimientos básicos de manejos de PC e Internet.
Requisitos de Software y Hardware
Hardware: PC Multimedia
Pentium IV o superior, 1 Gb de memoria, tarjeta de sonido, altavoces/cascos
Windows XP, Windows Vista o Windows 7
Navegadores: Explorer 6,7 y 8 o firefox 2 y 3
Java 1.5 o superior
Adobe Flash Player 7.0 o superior
Javascript habilitado
Adobe Reader 8.0 o superior