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Descripción del curso
Los estudios muestran que los datos se deterioran aproximadamente un 2 % al mes. Todas las organizaciones necesitan trabajar a partir de información confiable y, al mismo tiempo, garantizar que la integridad de la información y la consistencia de los datos sean constantes en las diferentes aplicaciones. Microsoft SQL Server 2012-2014 Master Data Services es una característica poderosa diseñada para ayudar a una organización a crear una estructura y jerarquía para los datos, de modo que los datos recopilados y utilizados en múltiples departamentos, silos y bases de datos estén estandarizados y alineados. Esto asegura que diferentes bases de datos sean interoperables. Cuando se combina con Data Quality Services y Excel, se encuentra disponible un sistema completo de principio a fin.

Perfil de público
Este curso está dirigido a profesionales de SQL, desarrolladores de inteligencia comercial, analistas de datos y administradores de datos y administradores de proyectos que necesitan aprender a utilizar Master Data Services.
- Tener una comprensión básica de los conceptos detrás de la gestión de datos maestros.
- Configure los servicios de datos maestros.
- Crear modelos y entidades.
- Agregue atributos, incluidos los atributos basados en el dominio.
- Agregue un miembro a través de la interfaz web.
- Revertir una transacción.
- Crear y configurar grupos de atributos.
- Crear y configurar jerarquías derivadas.
- Crear y configurar colecciones.
- Cree un miembro hoja con T-SQL.
- Elimine un miembro con la interfaz web y examine los resultados en SSMS.
- Ver errores en archivos por lotes.
- Cargue miembros hoja con SQL Server Integration Services y archivos sin formato.
- Crear y configurar versiones.
- Navegue por la interfaz de reglas comerciales.
- Crear una regla de negocio.
- Rellene un valor basado en otro valor.
- Explore y solucione problemas de validación.
- Configure la seguridad en MDS.
- Cree y configure una vista de suscripción.
- Cree una conexión a una base de datos MDS usando Excel.
- Publique datos en una base de datos MDS usando Excel.
- Filtrar datos usando Excel.
- Guarde una consulta en Excel.
- Cree una entidad a partir de datos en Excel.
- Crear una nueva base de conocimiento.
- Cree un proyecto de limpieza de calidad DQS.
Esquema del curso
This module explains how the class will be structured and introduces course materials and additional administrative information.
- Introduction
- Course Materials
- Facilities
- Prerequisites
- What We'll Be Discussing
- There are no exercises for this module.
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Successfully log into their virtual machine.
- Have a full understanding of what the course intends to cover.
In this introductory module we will introduce the need for Master Data Management and discuss a number of high order concepts introducing the subject area.
- What is Master Data Management?
- The Need for Master Data Management
- Data Quality
- Master Data vs. Transactional Data
- Master Data Management Team
- Master Data Management Architectures
- The MDM Extract-Transform-Load
- There are no exercises for this module.
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Have a basic understanding of the concepts behind master data management.
In this module we will examine a master data management project implementation and describe the concept of the different systems involved. We will then move into key objects within MDS that are critically important for understanding MDS.
- Project Implementation
- Master Data Services Key Terms
- Master Data Services Web Interface
- Installing Master Data Services
- Configuring Master Data Services
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Configure Master Data Services.
We touched on the basics of the MDS object model already and covered core concepts such as entities, attributes, members and hierarchies. In this module we will expand on that and take an in-depth look at all the objects in the MDS model. In addition we will examine modeling concepts and deployment.
- Modeling Process
- MDS Object - Model
- The Model Object
- Create Model and Entities
- Adding Attributes Including Domain-Based Attributes
- Adding a Member Via the Web Interface
- Reversing a Transaction
- Attribute Groups
- Derived Hierarchies
- Collections
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Create models and entities.
- Add attributes including domain-based attributes.
- Add a member via the web interface.
- Reverse a transaction.
- Create and configure attribute groups.
- Create and configure derived hierarchies.
- Create and configure collections.
The objective of this module is to learn how to load data into MDS.
- Create a Leaf Member with T-SQL
- Delete a Member with the Web Interface and Examine Results in SSMS
- Viewing Errors in Batch Files
- Loading Leaf Members with SQL Server Integration Services and Flat Files
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Create a leaf member with T-SQL.
- Delete a member with the web interface and examine results in SSMS.
- View errors in batch files.
- Load leaf members with SQL Server Integration Services and flat files.
In this module we will learn how to work with versions. The ability to version MDS models enables functionality such as what if scenarios, testing and others.
- Understanding Versions
- Web Interface
- Version Statuses
- Copying a Version
- Locking. Unlocking and Committing Versions
- Version Flags
- Ancestry
- Validating Versions
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Create and configure versions.
The goal of this module is to gain an understanding of the business rules interface and how to implement business rules into your model. It is important that you know the interface requires some getting used to and is perhaps not the friendliest interface that you have ever used. Pay particular attention to how often you need to save your business rules.
- Business Rules Overview
- How to Create a Business Rule
- Conditions and Actions
- Publish a Business Rule
- Validation Issues
- Business Rules Interface
- Create a Business Rule
- Populate a Value Based on Another Value
- Validation Issues
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Navigate the business rules interface.
- Create a business rule.
- Populate a value based on another value.
- Explore and fix validation issues.
The goal this module is to gain an understanding of the security in MDS. The security in some ways follows other security paradigms that you may be used to. Such as the concept of read, write, and deny permissions. However, the concepts such as granting permission to the model object for all groups of users so they can view the model may be foreign to you. Also make sure that you understand that MDS does not control security; that it is controlled by active directory. It is within active directory that the passwords and usernames are stored along with the user groups.
- Master Data Services Security Overview
- Users and Groups
- Administrators
- Permission Levels
- Best Practices
- Setting up Security in MDS
After completing this module, students will be able to:
The objective of this module is that you understand the types of subscription views that are available.
- Subscription Views
- Formats
- How Subscribing Systems Can Extract Data
- Creating Views
- Creating a Subscription View
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Create and configure a subscription view.
The objective of this module is to help you understand the Excel Master Data Services Add-in, which is the best feature that was added with the SQL 2012 release.
- Creating Connections
- Publishing Data
- Filtering Data
- Saving a Query
- Create an Entity From Data
- Settings
- Creating a Connection
- Publishing Data
- Filtering Data
- Saving a Query
- Create an Entity From Data
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Create a connection to an MDS database using Excel.
- Publish data to an MDS database using Excel.
- Filter data using Excel.
- Save a query to Excel.
- Create an entity from data in Excel.
The objective of this module is for you to understand Data Quality Services and how to use it in conjunction with Master Data Services.
- Architecture
- Data Quality Cleansing
- Microsoft Data Quality Solution
- Create a New Knowledge Base
- DQS Quality Cleansing Project
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Create a new knowledge base.
- Create a DQS Quality Cleansing Project
Curso: Inglés
Labs: Inglés