AI for Emerging Developers-Inteligencia Artificial: Fundamentos para desarrolladores: Cognitive Services, Azure Search



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About the course

Most challenges observed by customers in these realms are in stitching multiple services together. As such, where possible, we have tried to place key concepts in the context of a broader example.

At the end of this workshop, you should be able to:

- Understand how to configure your apps to call Cognitive Services

- Build an application that calls various Cognitive Services APIs (specifically Computer Vision, Face, Emotion)

- Understand how to implement Azure Search features to provide a positive search experience inside applications

- Configure an Azure Search service to extend your data to enable full-text, language-aware search

- Build, train, and publish a LUIS model to help your bot communicate effectively

- Build an intelligent bot using Microsoft Bot Framework that leverages LUIS and Azure Search

- Effectively log chat conversations in your bot

- Perform rapid development/testing with Ngrok, test your bots with unit tests and direct bot communication

- Effectively leverage the custom vision service to create image classification services that can then be leveraged by an application

Content sourced by Microsoft


Important Resources that need to be completed/installed and configured before attending the Boot camp
This workshop is meant for an AI Developer on Azure.
Firstly, you should have some previous exposure to Visual Studio. We will be using it for everything we are building in the workshop, so you should be familiar with how to use it to create applications. Additionally, this is not a class where we teach you how to code or develop applications. We assume you have some familiarity with C# (intermediate level - you can learn here, but you do not know how to implement solutions with Cognitive Services.
Secondly, you should have some experience developing bots with Microsoft’s Bot Framework. We won’t spend a lot of time discussing how to design them or how dialogs work. If you are not familiar with the Bot Framework, you should take this Microsoft Virtual Academy Course prior to attending the workshop.
Thirdly, you should have experience with the portal and be able to create resources (and spend money) on Azure. We will not be providing Azure passes for this workshop.
Finally, before arriving at the workshop, we expect you to have completed Setup along with the installing and configuring the following for Custom Vision:
Training Client Library: package from NugGet
You can install it through the Visual Studio Package manager. Access the package manager by navigating through: Tools->NuGet Package Manager->Package Manager Console.
In the console, add the NuGet with: Install-Package Microsoft.Cognitive.CustomVision.Training -Version 1.0.0
Training API Key: The training API key allows you to create, manage and train Custom Vision project programmatically.


Please note: This is a rough agenda, and the schedule is subject to change pending class activities and interaction.
 Introduction and Context.
 Lab 1.1: Using Portable Class Libraries to Simplify App Development with Cognitive Services
 Whiteboard Session for Cognitive Services
 Lab 1.2: Developing Intelligent Applications with LUIS and Azure Search
 Summary and White-board Discussion
 Introduction and Context.
 Lab 2.1: Log Chat Conversations in your Bot
 Lab 2.2: Testing your Bot
 Summary and White-board Discussion of Azure Bot Services
 Lab 2.3: Creating an Image Classification Application using the Custom Vision Service I
 Lab 2.4: Creating an Image Classification Application using the Custom Vision Service II
Summary and White-board Discussion

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