AZ-700: Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions



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Descripción del curso

En este curso se enseña a los ingenieros de redes a diseñar, implementar y mantener soluciones de red de Azure. Este curso abarca el proceso de diseño, implementación y administración de la infraestructura de red principal de Azure, las conexiones de redes híbridas, el equilibro de carga del tráfico, el enrutamiento de red, el acceso privado a servicios de Azure, la supervisión y seguridad de la red. Aprenda diseñar e implementar una infraestructura de red segura y confiable en Azure y a establecer la conectividad híbrida, el enrutamiento, el acceso privado a los servicios de Azure y la supervisión en Azure.


Perfil de público

Este curso está dirigido a ingenieros de redes que buscan especializarse en soluciones de red de Azure. Un ingeniero de redes de Azure diseña e implementa la infraestructura de red principal de Azure, las conexiones de redes híbridas, el equilibrio de carga del tráfico, el enrutamiento de red, el acceso privado a los servicios de Azure, la supervisión y seguridad de la red. El ingeniero de redes de Azure administrará las soluciones de red para obtener un nivel óptimo de rendimiento, resistencia, escala y seguridad.


Elementos de esta colección

  • Introducción a las redes virtuales de Azure (11 Unidades)
  • Diseño e implementación de redes híbridas (9 Unidades)
  • Diseño e implementación de Azure ExpressRoute (11 Unidades)
  • Equilibrio de la carga del tráfico no HTTP(S) en Azure (7 Unidades)
  • Equilibrio de la carga del tráfico HTTP(S) en Azure (7 Unidades)
  • Diseño e implementación de la seguridad de red (11 Unidades)
  • Diseño e implementación de acceso privado en los servicios de Azure (8 Unidades)
  • Diseño e implementación de la supervisión de red (5 Unidades)

    Esquema del Curso

    Module 1: Introduction to Azure Virtual Networks

    In this module you will learn how to design and implement fundamental Azure Networking resources such as virtual networks, public and private IPs, DNS, virtual network peering, routing, and Azure Virtual NAT.


    • Explore Azure Virtual Networks
    • Configure public IP services
    • Design name resolution for your Virtual Network
    • Enable Cross-VNet connectivity with peering
    • Implement virtual network traffic routing
    • Configure internet access with Azure Virtual NAT

    Lab: Exercise: design and implement a Virtual Network in Azure

    Lab: Exercise: configure DNS settings in Azure

    Lab: Exercise: connect two Azure Virtual Networks using global virtual network peering

    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Implement virtual networks
    • Configure public IP services
    • Configure private and public DNS zones
    • Design and implement cross-VNET connectivity
    • Implement virtual network routing
    • Design and implement an Azure Virtual Network NAT

    Module 2: Design and Implement Hybrid Networking

    In this module you will learn how to design and implement hybrid networking solutions such as Site-to-Site VPN connections, Point-to-Site VPN connections, Azure Virtual WAN and Virtual WAN hubs.


    • Design and implement Azure VPN Gateway
    • Connect networks with Site-to-site VPN connections
    • Connect devices to networks with Point-to-site VPN connections
    • Connect remote resources by using Azure Virtual WANs
    • Create a network virtual appliance (NVA) in a virtual hub

    Lab: Exercise: create and configure a virtual network gateway

    Lab: Exercise: create a Virtual WAN by using Azure Portal

    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Design and implement a site-to-site VPN connection
    • Design and implement a point-to-site VPN connection
    • Design and implement Azure Virtual WAN Resources

    Module 3: Design and implement Azure ExpressRoute

    In this module you will learn how to design and implement Azure ExpressRoute, ExpressRoute Global Reach, ExpressRoute FastPath and ExpressRoute Peering options.


    • Explore Azure ExpressRoute
    • Design an ExpressRoute deployment
    • Configure peering for an ExpressRoute deployment
    • Connect an ExpressRoute circuit to a VNet
    • Connect geographically dispersed networks with ExpressRoute global reach
    • Improve data path performance between networks with ExpressRoute FastPath
    • Troubleshoot ExpressRoute connection issues

    Lab: Exercise: configure an ExpressRoute gateway

    Lab: Exercise: provision an ExpressRoute circuit

    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Design and implement Expressroute
    • Design and implement Expressroute Direct
    • Design and implement Expressroute FastPath

    Module 4: Load balancing non-HTTP(S) traffic in Azure

    In this module you will learn how to design and implement load balancing solutions for non-HTTP(S) traffic in Azure with Azure Load balancer and Traffic Manager.


    • Explore load balancing
    • Design and implement Azure load balancer using the Azure portal
    • Explore Azure Traffic Manager

    Lab: Exercise: create and configure an Azure load balancer

    Lab: Exercise: create a Traffic Manager profile using the Azure portal

    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Design and implement Azure Laod Balancers
    • Design and implement Azure Traffic Manager

    Module 5: Load balancing HTTP(S) traffic in Azure

    In this module you will learn how to design and implement load balancing solutions for HTTP(S) traffic in Azure with Azure Application gateway and Azure Front Door.


    • Design Azure application gateway
    • Configure Azure application gateway
    • Design and configure Azure front door

    Lab: Exercise: deploy Azure application gateway

    Lab: Exercise: create a front door for a highly available web application

    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Design and implement Azure Application Gateway
    • Implement Azure Front Door

    Module 6: Design and implement network security

    In this module you will learn to design and imponent network security solutions such as Azure DDoS, Azure Firewalls, Network Security Groups, and Web Application Firewall.


    • Secure your virtual networks in the Azure portal
    • Deploy Azure DDoS Protection by using the Azure portal
    • Deploy Network Security Groups by using the Azure portal
    • Design and implement Azure Firewall
    • Working with Azure Firewall Manager
    • Implement a Web Application Firewall on Azure Front Door

    Lab: Exercise: configure DDoS Protection on a virtual network using the Azure portal

    Lab: Exercise: deploy and configure Azure Firewall using the Azure portal

    Lab: Exercise: secure your virtual hub using Azure Firewall Manager

    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Configure and monitor an Azure DDoS protection plan
    • implement and manage Azure Firewall
    • Implement network security groups
    • Implement a web application firewall (WAF) on Azure Front Door

    Module 7: Design and implement private access to Azure Services

    In this module you will learn to design and implement private access to Azure Services with Azure Private Link, and virtual network service endpoints.


    • Define Private Link Service and private endpoint
    • Explain virtual network service endpoints
    • Integrate Private Link with DNS
    • Integrate your App Service with Azure virtual networks

    Lab: Exercise: create an Azure private endpoint using Azure PowerShell

    Lab: Exercise: restrict network access to PaaS resources with virtual network service endpoints

    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Define the difference between Private Link Service and private endpoints
    • Design and configure private endpoints
    • Explain virtual network service endpoints
    • Design and configure access to service endpoints
    • Integrate Private Link with DNS
    • Integrate your App Service with Azure virtual networks

    Module 8: Design and implement network monitoring

    In this module you will learn to design and implement network monitoring solutions such as Azure Monitor and Network watcher.


    • Monitor your networks with Azure Monitor
    • Monitor your networks with Azure Network Watcher

    Lab: Exercise: Monitor a load balancer resource by using Azure Monitor

    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Configure network health alerts and logging by using Azure Monitor
    • Create and configure a Connection Monitor instance
    • Configure and use Traffic Analytics
    • Configure NSG flow logs
    • Enable and configure diagnostic logging
    • Configure Azure Network Watcher


    Requisitos previos

    Los ingenieros de redes de Azure inician este rol con experiencia en redes empresariales, infraestructura local o en la nube y seguridad de red.

    • Comprensión de las tecnologías de virtualización locales, incluidas máquinas virtuales, redes virtuales y discos duros virtuales.
    • Descripción de la configuración de red, incluidos TCP/IP, el sistema de nombres de dominio (DNS), las redes privadas virtuales (VPN), los firewalls y las tecnologías de cifrado.
    • Entender las redes definidas por software
    • Entender los métodos de conectividad de red híbrida, como VPN
    • Entender la resistencia y la recuperación ante desastres, incluidas las operaciones de copia de seguridad y restauración.



    • Curso: Inglés
    • Labs: Inglés

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