Microsoft Identity and Access Administrator


Microsoft Identity and Access Administrator. SC300T00



  • Edición presencial (*)
  • Edición online (Una vez que se registre recibirá el alta con el usuario y contraseña de acceso)
(*)Durante el estado de alarma solo se hacen en modalidad de teleformación y posteriormente se harán preferentemente en modalidad de teleformación.


    Detalles del curso:

    This course provides IT Identity and Access Professional, along with IT Security Professional, with the knowledge and skills needed to implement identity management solutions based on Microsoft Azure AD, and it connected identity technologies. This course includes identity content for Azure AD, enterprise application registration, conditional access, identity governance, and other identity tools.

    Perfil de público

    This course is for the Identity and Access Administrators who are planning to take the associated certification exam, or who are performing identity and access administration tasks in their day-to-day job. This course would also be helpful to an administrator or engineer that wants to specialize in providing identity solutions and access management systems for Azure-based solutions; playing an integral role in protecting an organization.

    Al finalizar el curso

    After completing this course, students will be able to:

    • Implement an identity management solution
    • Implement an authentication and access management solutions
    • Implement access management for apps
    • Plan and implement an identity governancy strategy

    Course Outline

    Module 1: Implement an identity management solutionLearn to create and manage your initial Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) implementation and configure the users, groups, and external identities you will use to run your solution.


    • Implement Initial configuration of Azure AD
    • Create, configure, and manage identities
    • Implement and manage external identities
    • Implement and manage hybrid identity

    Lab : Manage user roles

    Lab : Setting tenant-wide properties

    Lab : Assign licenses to users

    Lab : Restore or remove deleted usersLab : Add groups in Azure AD

    Lab : Change group license assignments

    Lab : Change user license assignments

    Lab : Configure external collaborationLab : Add guest users to the directory

    Lab : Explore dynamic groups

    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Deploy an initial Azure AD with custom settings
    • Manage both internal and external identities
    • Implement a hybrid identity solution

    Module 2: Implement an authentication and access management solution

    Implement and administer your access management using Azure AD. Use MFA, conditional access, and identity protection to manager your identity solution.


    • Secure Azure AD user with MFA
    • Manage user authentication
    • Plan, implement, and administer conditional access
    • Manage Azure AD identity protection

    Lab : Enable Azure AD MFA

    Lab : Configure and deploy self-service password reset (SSPR)

    Lab : Work with security defaults

    Lab : Implement conditional access policies, roles, and assignments

    Lab : Configure authentication session controls

    Lab : Manage Azure AD smart lockout values

    Lab : Enable sign-in risk policy

    Lab : Configure Azure AD MFA authentication registration policy

    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Configure and manage user authentication including MFA
    • Control access to resources using conditional access
    • Use Azure AD Identity Protection to protect your organization

    Module 3: Implement access management for Apps

    Explore how applications can and should be added to your identity and access solution with application registration in Azure AD.


    • Plan and design the integration of enterprise for SSO
    • Implement and monitor the integration of enterprise apps for SSO
    • Implement app registration

    Lab : Implement access management for apps

    Lab : Create a custom role to management app registration

    Lab : Register an applicationLab : Grant tenant-wide admin consent to an application

    Lab : Add app roles to applications and recieve tokens

    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Register a new application to your Azure AD
    • Plan and implement SSO for enterprise application
    • Monitor and maintain enterprise applications

    Module 4: Plan and implement an identity governancy strategy

    Design and implement identity governance for your identity solution using entitlement, access reviews, privileged access, and monitoring your Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).


    • Plan and implement entitlement management
    • Plan, implement, and manage access reviews
    • Plan and implement privileged access
    • Monitor and maintain Azure AD

    Lab : Create and manage a resource catalog with Azure AD entitlement

    Lab : Add terms of use acceptance report

    Lab : Manage the lifecycle of external users with Azure AD identity governance

    Lab : Create access reviews for groups and apps

    Lab : Configure PIM for Azure AD roles

    Lab : Assign Azure AD role in PIM

    Lab : Assign Azure resource roles in PIM

    Lab : Connect data from Azure AD to Azure Sentinel

    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Manage and maintain Azure AD from creation to solution
    • Use access reviews to maintain your Azure AD
    • Grant access to users with entitlement management



                      Contacto: Javier Lozano - email: - Teléfono +34915620454



                      Protección de datos del participante: RGPD

                      NANFOR IBÉRICA SL garantiza la protección y confidencialidad de los datos personales que nos proporcionen de acuerdo con lo dispuesto en el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 27 de abril de 2016 y la Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico 34/2002 de 11 de Julio (LSSI-CE). Le informamos que su dirección de correo electrónico, así como el resto de los datos de carácter personal, tienen la finalidad de gestionar las comunicaciones y relaciones formativas por vía electrónica. En cumplimiento de lo establecido en el RGPD, usted podrá ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación/supresión, oposición, limitación o portabilidad en los términos establecidos en el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos. El responsable del tratamiento es NANFOR IBÉRICA SL con domicilio en C/ Príncipe de Vergara 95 1ºD. 28006, Madrid, o bien mediante correo electrónico en la dirección, adjuntando copia de su DNI.

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                        Formación presencial y telepresencial

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