MB-330: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management



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Curso MB-330: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

Este curso está diseñado como base de sus conocimientos de la aplicación Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. En él se abordarán las características y funcionalidades más importantes que requiere el consultor funcional de Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, incluidas la información del producto y cómo configurar, crear y administrar el producto y el inventario. Configuración y procesamiento de la administración de la cadena de suministro. Las características de administración de transporte y de administración de almacenamiento. Funcionalidades de administración de calidad y control de calidad. Configuración y procesamiento de la planificación maestra. Este curso incluye conferencias y varios ejercicios prácticos. Los ejercicios se presentarán en forma de caso práctico destinado a un consultor funcional de Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. Cada ejercicio se basará en un escenario empresarial seguido de una pregunta o de un debate y, a continuación, una guía detallada para realizar los pasos relacionados con el sistema.

¡El curso incluye el examen de certificación de una oportunidad de regalo! *Promoción vigente hasta 28 de Febrero sólo para clientes de España

Duracion del curso MB-330
Modalidad Training MB-330
Aula virtual formación MB-330
contenido en video

Curso dirigido a

Este curso está diseñado para el consultor funcional de Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. El consultor funcional de Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management es un recurso clave que diseña y configura aplicaciones para que cumplan los requisitos de un cliente. El consultor funcional analiza los requisitos empresariales y los convierte en soluciones y procesos empresariales plenamente eficaces que ponen en marcha procedimientos recomendados del sector. El consultor funcional se especializa en uno o varios de los siguientes conjuntos de características de Dynamics: finanzas, fabricación o administración de la cadena de suministro. Se asocian con arquitectos, desarrolladores, administradores y otras partes interesadas para ofrecer soluciones que cumplan o superen las necesidades de sus clientes.


Elementos de la formación MB-330

  • Configurar y gestionar productos e inventario en Dynamics 365 Supply Chain (9 unidades)

  • Configurar y trabajar con gestión de almacenes en Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management (6 unidades)

  • Configurar la administración de cambios de ingeniería para Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management (4 unidades)

  • Configurar y usar la fabricación discreta en Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management (13 unidades)

  • Configurar y gestionar compras y proveedores en Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management (7 unidades)

  • Trabajar con Administración de activos para Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management (12 unidades)

  • Trabajar con clientes en Dynamics 365 Finance (4 unidades)

  • Configurar y gestionar ventas y clientes en Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management (5 unidades)

  • Configurar el coste en destino y trabajar con él en Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management (2 unidades)

  • Configurar y trabajar con gestión de transporte en Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management (1 unidad)

  • Utilizar la gestión de almacenes en la fabricación en Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management (7 unidades)

  • Planificación maestra en Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management (3 unidades)

  • Aprenda los aspectos básicos de Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management (4 unidades)

Contenido del curso MB-330

Module 1: Implement product information management

This module will introduce you to the following topics: Create and release products and product variants Create and apply product templates Create bills of materials (BOMs) Identify the purpose and capabilities of the product configuration models Configure catch weights Configure direct-delivery products Create and manage inventory dimensions Configure item groups Create and assign bar codes and Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN) codes configure category hierarchies and product attributes Configure product unit conversions Configure default order settings Describe inventory costing methods & model groups Configure Costing versions for standard and planned costs Configure and default purchase prices, default sales prices, and trade agreements


  • Create and manage products
  • Configure products for supply chain management
  • Manage inventory pricing and costing

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Implement product information management

Module 2: Implement inventory management

This module will introduce you to the following areas: Set up inventory management parameters and journals Configure inventory breakdown Structure Configure ABC classifications Configure inventory valuation reports Create and process journals including bill of materials, item arrival, transfer, movement, inventory adjustment, counting, and tag counting journals Create and process transfer orders Perform inventory closings and adjustments


  • Configure Inventory management
  • Manage and process inventory activities

Lab : Case study 1 Implement inventory management

  • Exercise #1 Add products to a new warehouse using basic inventory management
  • Exercise #2 Create a standard cost version that uses a specific model group
  • Exercise #3 Add and releasing new products to a warehouse
  • Exercise #4 Use the inventory movement journal to initialize stock levels in a warehouse
  • Exercise #5 Use the inventory transfer journal to move items to a new location in the warehouse
  • Exercise #6 Adjust stock levels using the inventory adjustment journal
  • Exercise #7 Use the inventory counting journal to compare D365 inventory amounts to manually counted
  • Exercise #8 Create a BOM in the BOM designer

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Implement inventory management

Module 3: Implement and manage supply chain processes

This module will introduce you to the following topics: Create and manage purchase requisitions, requests for quotes (RFQs), and purchase orders (POs) Configure change management processes Configure and apply vendor rebates Introduction to Vendor collaboration manage consignment inventory Manage over and under deliveries Configure procurement categories and purchasing policies Configure charges Configure quotations, sales orders, and return orders Configure sales groups and commissions Configure customer, product, and prospect searches Configure and process inter-company trade relations documents Introduction to D365 Guides Authoring of D365 Guides Operating of D365 Guides

  • Implement Procurement and sourcing
  • Implement common sales and marketing features
  • Using Microsoft Guides

Lab : Case study 2A Procurement and sourcing

  • Exercise #1 Create, submit, and approve a purchase requisition
  • Exercise #2 Create, reply and accept a request for quotation
  • Exercise #3 Create purchase requisition and purchasing policies
  • Exercise #4 Create a purchase order for delivery to multiple sites
  • Exercise #5 Create a charges code
  • Exercise #6 Create a vendor charges group and assign to vendors
  • Exercise #7 Create an automatic charge
  • Exercise #8 Approve purchase orders prior to confirmation
  • Exercise #9 Create trade agreements for vendors
  • Exercise #10 Create a purchase order based on a trade agreement
  • Lab : Case study 2B Sales and marketing
  • Exercise #1 Enter and confirm sales order
  • Exercise #2 Create and review a sales order for commission
  • Exercise #3 Create a customer trade agreement

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Implement and manage supply chain processes

Module 4: Implement warehouse management and transportation management

This module will introduce you to the following topics: Create sites, warehouses, locations, location formats, location profiles, location types, and zones Implement location directives Configure Inventory Statuses, unit sequence groups, and reservation hierarchies Implement wave and work, templates Implement wave load building template Configure mobile device menus, menu items, and display settings manage inventory stock movement processes Perform cycle counting Process inbound and outbound orders Process shipments Describe the replenishment process cross-docking Introduction Configure shipping carriers and carrier groups Perform planning and executing loads and shipments Configure and generate freight bills and invoices Configure route plans and guides Configure route and rate engines Configure and use dock appointment scheduling


  • Configure warehouse management
  • Perform warehouse management processes
  • Implement transportation management

Lab : Case study 3 Warehouse management and transportation management

  • Exercise #1 Configure warehouse management
  • Exercise #2 Create a reservation hierarchy
  • Exercise #3 Create disposition codes and inbound location directives
  • Exercise #4 Configure mobile devices
  • Exercise #5 Configure purchase orders
  • Exercise #6 Configure wave processing
  • Exercise #7 Configure cycle counting
  • Exercise #8 Define cycle counting
  • Exercise #9 Define a partial location cycle counting process
  • Exercise #10 Transfer orders and replenishments
  • Exercise #11 Setup replenishment
  • Exercise #12 Configure outbound processing
  • Exercise #13 Configure cluster picking
  • Exercise #14 Setup manual packing
  • Exercise #15 Configure carriers
  • Exercise #16 Configure rate masters
  • Exercise #17 Setup route plans and route guides
  • Exercise #18 Process inbound shipments
  • Exercise #19 Process outbound shipments
  • Exercise #20 Configure freight reconciliation

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Implement warehouse management and transportation management

Module 5: Configure and manage quality control and quality management

This module will introduce you to the following topics: Configure quality control Configure quality management Manage quality orders and quarantine Order Manage inventory blocking


  • Configure quality control and quality management
  • Manage quality control and quality management

Lab : Case study 4 Quality control and quality management

  • Exercise #1 Enable quality management process
  • Exercise #2 Create a manual quality order with a specification
  • Exercise #3 Define conditions to work with non-conformance issues
  • Exercise #4 Use non-conformance order to repair an item and a faulty machine
  • Exercise #5 Run non-conformance reports

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Configure and manage quality control and quality management

Module 6: Implement master planning

This module will introduce you to the following topics: Differentiate between planning optimization and master planning Set up coverage groups and item coverage Configure master planning parameters, master plan, forecast plans Differentiate between action messages, delay messages, time fences, and negative days Process and view planned orders Set up and use the Supply Schedule form Configure and process safety stock journals Set up and Implement inter-company master planning Implement demand-base forecasting Implement planning optimization


  • Configure master planning and forecasting
  • Run master plans and manage planned orders
  • Implement additional master planning features

Lab : Case study 5 Master planning

  • Exercise #1 Process and view planned orders
  • Exercise #2 Create and run intercompany master plans

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Implement master planning


Requisitos previos

  • No requiere


  • Curso: Inglés / español
  • Labs: Inglés / español


Certificación de Microsoft Asociada: Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Associate

Microsoft Certified Associate

Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Associate

Diseñe y configure Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management y herramientas relacionadas.

Nivel: Intermedio
Rol: Consultor funcional
Producto: Dynamic 365
Asunto: Business applications


Información relacionada a la formación

Soporte siempre a tu lado

Soporte de formación

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Formación presencial y telepresencial

Modalidades formativas

Self Learning - Virtual - Presencial - Telepresencial



Para empresas