Migrate Open Source Data Workloads to Azure


Migrate Open Source Data Workloads to Azure. DP070T00



    • Edición presencial (Consulte los datos de ubicación y localidad)
    • Edición online (Una vez que se registre recibirá el alta con el usuario y contraseña de acceso)


    Detalles del curso:

    This course will enable the students to understand Azure SQL Database, and educate the students on what is required to migrate MySQL and PostgreSQL workloads to Azure SQL Database.

    Course Outline

    Module 1: Migrate to Azure SQL DB for MySQL & PostgreSQL

    This module describes the benefits and architecture of Azure SQL DB.


    • OSS databases overview
    • Common OSS database workloads
    • Customer challenges in migration

    Lab : Creating source OSS databases

    • Installation of Postgres migration DB server
    • Installation of MySQL migration DB server
    • Backups / data dumps from Postgres / MySQL
    • Restore from data dumps

    At the end of this module, the students will be able to:

    • OSS databases overview
    • Common OSS database workloads
    • Customer challenges in migration

    Module 2: Migrate on-premises MySQL to Azure SQL DB for MySQL

    This module describes the benefits and process of migrating MySQL workloads to Azure SQL DB


    • Configure and Manage Azure SQL DB for MySQL
    • Migrate on-premises MySQL to SQL DB for MySQL
    • Application Migration
    • Post-migration considerations

    Lab : Migrating MySQL DB Workloads to Azure SQL DB

    • Migrating MySQL DB Workloads to Azure SQL DB
    • Define Source and Target DBs
    • Perform Migration
    • Verify Migration

    At the end of this module, the students will be able to:

    • Configure and Manage Azure SQL DB for MySQL
    • Migrate on-premises MySQL to SQL DB for MySQL
    • Application Migration
    • Post-migration considerations

    Module 3: Migrate on-premises PostgreSQL to Azure SQL DB for PostgreSQL

    This module describes the benefits and process of migrating PostgreSQL DB workloads to Azure SQL DB


    • Configure and Manage Azure SQL DB for PostgreSQL
    • Migrate on-premises MySQL to SQL DB for PostgreSQL
    • Application Migration
    • Post-migration considerations

    Lab : Migrating PostgreSQL DB Workloads to Azure SQL DB

    • Configure Azure SQL DB for PostgreSQL
    • Define Source and Target DBs
    • Perform Migration
    • Verify Migration

    At the end of this module, the students will be able to:

    • Configure and Manage Azure SQL DB for PostgreSQL
    • Migrate on-premises MySQL to SQL DB for PostgreSQL
    • Application Migration
    • Post-migration considerations



                Contacto: Javier Lozano - email: info@nanforiberica.com - Teléfono +34915620454



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