Nanfor cumple con el código de conducta de Microsoft, según los siguientes principios:
- Maintain awareness of, and comply with, all applicable domestic and foreign laws and regulations. You must not cause Microsoft to violate applicable laws by your sourcing practices related to the products sold to Microsoft.
- Prohibit forced labor, prison labor and human trafficking in your supply chain.
- Maintain and promote fundamental human rights, and use the ILO “Indicators of Forced Labor” to identify instances of forced labor in your supply chain.
- Prohibit use of child labor. You must adhere to the minimum employment age limit defined by applicable laws and regulations.
- Require your subcontractors and suppliers to acknowledge and implement Microsoft’s Supplier Code in their operations and across their supply chains.
- Treat employees fairly, including with respect to wages, working hours and benefits. All labor practices must be consistent with applicable laws and industry standards.
Microsoft is committed to maintaining a high standard on human rights and fair labor practices in its supply chain and we appreciate your company’s ongoing efforts to ensure its compliance with Microsoft’s supplier requirements, as well as all applicable domestic and foreign laws and regulations.