Basic Android Programming Course - Level 2

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    Programming languages



    Course objectives

    The fundamental objective of the Basic Android Programming Course is to introduce attendees to programming applications for Android mobile devices, through the use of developer tools. When they finish the course, students will have enough foundation to develop applications for Android devices.

    Course contents

    1. Databases

    to. Getting started with SQLite
    b. Insert/Update/Delete
    c. Consult/Retrieve records

    2. Preference

    to. Shared Preferences
    b. Preferences Screens

    3. Geographic Location

    to. Basic Geographic Location
    b. Going deeper into Geographic Location

    4. Maps

    to. Preparations and basic example
    b. MapView Control
    c. Overlays

    5. Files

    to. Files in Internal Memory
    b. Files in External Memory (SD Card)

    6. Content Providers

    to. Construction of Content Providers
    b. Using Content Providers

    7. Notifications

    to. Toast Notifications
    b. Status Bar Notifications
    c. Dialog Boxes

    8. Debugging applications

    to. Logging on Android

    Information related to training

    Soporte siempre a tu lado

    Training support: Always by your side

    Formación presencial y telepresencial

    Do you need another training modality?


    Bonuses for companies