Quality politics
NANFOR IBERICA assumes the mission of enhancing the quality of the service it provides to its clients through the implementation of a Quality Management System in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 9001 standard, based on the desire to supply products and services that respond satisfactorily. to the expectations and needs of our clients and other interested parties.
The principles on which our Quality Policy is based are:
- Invest, as clear proof of our commitment to innovation, in the permanent updating of new multimedia technologies that provide our clients with the best e-Learning solutions on the market.
- Strengthen the values and capabilities of our resources to ensure quality in activities and projects.
- Comply with the requirements of our clients, as well as the applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
Maintain a management system for our processes that is far from improvisation, using the risk assessment methodology to prevent unwanted effects, always taking into account, in its design, the needs and expectations of clients and oriented towards continuous improvement, must become the work philosophy of NANFOR IBÉRICA.
Our success depends on its strict compliance.
Javier Lozano
Managing Director