Online event: Docker with Azure: boost your ICT services with microservices


At Nanfor we organized the online event: "Docker with Azure: Boost your ICT services with microservices" in collaboration with ExecuTrain México.

Container technology with Docker is being increasingly adopted among organizations, due to its advantages Azure is compatible with container applications in Docker to provide a robust security model, integration of management activities and provide a uniform operation model .

Who is it addressed to?

IT directors, ICT professionals, data managers in the organization, managers, innovation professionals, employees and all those who want to get the most out of the resources that Azure and Docker offer in common.


  • Welcome
  • Containerization with Azure
  • The advantages of using Azure when using containers
  • Docker and Azure: how we save resources with Azure
  • Kubernetes: the advantages of managing different services with containers
  • The orchestration of Microservices
  • Practical examples
  • Success stories/testimonials of e-learning ExecuTrain México
  • Q&As


  • Wednesday, 05/11/2022


  • Of 15:45 PM - 17:15 PM CET


  • Jose Rene Fuentes - Microsoft Certified Trainer and Support Engineer at Nanfor Ibérica

Level 200 (Technical Level)

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