Alteryx: Data Analysis

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Create averages with outliers
Create dynamic concatenations
Create robust regular expression formulas
Understand the types of unions and how they work
Analyze data using text in columns
Create percentage format
Converting date to string formats and string to date formats
Create Generate Rows for Loop Expressions
Work with transpose and add data
Perform registry transformations
Create time differences
Combine fused strings
Create run averages
Determine the distance using the spatial tools
Find missing values
Create batch macros
Create a connection within the database
Create join and aggregation within the database
Working with Fuzzy Matching
Count keywords
Combine files from a single entry
Create multi-row formulas
Perform data cleaning
Create dynamic variables

Duration: in person 2 days

Teletraining: 55 hours

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Soporte siempre a tu lado

Training support: Always by your side

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