Microsoft , in collaboration with Nanfor will give a free session to prepare for the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals certification exam.

Session detail

In this session #ExamReady Preparation for the certification exam AZ-900 - Azure Fundamentals We will help you prepare for the official exam to obtain this certification, taking advantage of the free exam rights enjoyed by attendees of our Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day – Fundamentals training.

We will address the most frequently asked questions that you ask us during training about the How Azure certifications work and how to use the discount to schedule the exam. And of course, we will review the most important technical concepts within the framework of the skills and knowledge domains that are measured in the exam, with practical examples that we hope will be useful to you to obtain this official certification.

We will also answer any doubts and questions you may ask us during the session.

Day and hour

  • May 17, 2022 | 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.

Session agenda:

  1. Map of official Azure Certifications
  2. Scheduling and operation of certification exams.
  3. Main concepts, skills, knowledge domains that are measured in the exam
  4. Tips and practical examples.

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