If you have Microsoft 365 Copilot technical training, you can provide training and become an MCT at the same time!
January 2025 - Madrid
This project allows non-MCTs with technical training in Microsoft 365 Copilot to have the opportunity to teach courses to our students and simultaneously complete the Instructional Skills requirements of the MCT application .
Available courses that can be taught as non-MCT
AI-3017 Microsoft AI for business leaders
MS-4004: Empower your workforce with Copilot for Microsoft 365 Use Cases
MS-4005: Craft effective prompts for Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365
MS-4008 Microsoft 365 Copilot Interactive Experience for Executives
MS-4012: Microsoft Copilot Web Based Interactive experience for Executives
Course to become an MCT - available in several languages
- TSPs may reserve non-MCT courses for specific course titles until March 1, 2025.
- The Degree Plan will be updated to indicate this temporary MCT exemption for specific Microsoft 365 courses*.
- Non-MCTs teaching these courses must coordinate with the TSP to gain access to course materials. They will not have access to the MCT Lounge or course software download tools.
- Non-MCTs can create a profile in Metrics That Matter and be assigned to the course survey by following the instructions in the MTM MCT Guide.
- Non-MCTs teaching these courses are encouraged to complete their ISC requirement and be prepared to officially register as an MCT .
- On February 1, 2025, enrollment as an MCT with these and other End-User Trainer level credentials will open to new MCT candidates.
- On March 1, 2025, all MSFT course reservations will revert to the MCT status requirement for delivery fulfillment.
- 4-month exemption from MCT status for specific course titles
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