If you have Microsoft 365 Copilot technical training, you can provide training and become an MCT at the same time!

If you have Microsoft 365 Copilot technical training, you can provide training and become an MCT at the same time!

January 2025 - Madrid

This project allows non-MCTs with technical training in Microsoft 365 Copilot to have the opportunity to teach courses to our students and simultaneously complete the Instructional Skills requirements of the MCT application .

Available courses that can be taught as non-MCT

Course to become an MCT - available in several languages


  • TSPs may reserve non-MCT courses for specific course titles until March 1, 2025.
  • The Degree Plan will be updated to indicate this temporary MCT exemption for specific Microsoft 365 courses*.
  • Non-MCTs teaching these courses must coordinate with the TSP to gain access to course materials. They will not have access to the MCT Lounge or course software download tools.
  • Non-MCTs can create a profile in Metrics That Matter and be assigned to the course survey by following the instructions in the MTM MCT Guide.
  • Non-MCTs teaching these courses are encouraged to complete their ISC requirement and be prepared to officially register as an MCT .
  • On February 1, 2025, enrollment as an MCT with these and other End-User Trainer level credentials will open to new MCT candidates.
  • On March 1, 2025, all MSFT course reservations will revert to the MCT status requirement for delivery fulfillment.
  • 4-month exemption from MCT status for specific course titles

Do you want more information? Contact us

#MCT #Trainers #becomeMCT #traineroftrainers #delivertraining

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