Programming in Angular 10.1

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Angular 10.1 Programming Course

Course Description

Throughout this course, we will learn about the features of the Angular framework. We'll start with a quick review of how Javascript affects the DOM (that is, the “skeleton” of the web page), changing HTML elements and CSS styling. After this basic review, we will delve into the first steps to use Angular, and then go on to delve deeper into this interesting tool.

The software required for this course is the following:

  • HTTP web server (In this case we will use a Node.js server)
  • IDE or advanced text editor. Recommended Sublime Text 3.
  • Package Control for ST3, with which we will install the AngularJS 1.0 plugin to help us create code.
  • Angular.js framework, version 1.5 or higher preferably.

Course content

Introduction to the course

  • Installation of all necessary programs and settings.

  • Preparing the work environment

Unit 1: Introduction

  • What is Angular?
  • General concepts: modules, components, services and directives.
  • Angular requirements and installation
  • Parts of the project, and configuration
  • Serving our app on the local network (and on a server)

Unit 2: Creation of components and layout

  • Creating our first component
  • Layout in Angular: ngFor, ngIf, property binding, event handling...
  • Functioning and life cycle
  • Use of components and communication between them with @Input and @Output
  • Accessing the DOM with @ViewChild
  • Change detection

Unit 3: Modules, routing and lazyloading

  • Structure of an Angular module

  • Routing

  • Managing routes from the controller

  • Managing routes at the HTML template level

  • Collecting route parameters

  • Some routing considerations

Unit 4: Services and dependency injection

  • Creating and using our first service

Unit 5: Directives and Pipes

  • What is a directive?

  • Properties and characteristics of directives

  • What is a Pipe?

  • Creating our first Pipe

Unit 6: Forms and communication with APIs

  • Managing the value of inputs with ngModel

  • Using the HTTP class to communicate with APIs

  • Reactive forms

  • Form validation

Guided practice: During the course a project is carried out with the Angular 10.1 version

Final evaluation

Quality questionnaire

Information related to training

Soporte siempre a tu lado

Training support: Always by your side

Formación presencial y telepresencial

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Bonuses for companies