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Email: info@nanforiberica.com , Phones: +34 91 031 66 78 / +34 605 98 51 30, WhatsApp: +34 685 60 05 91 , Our Offices

Course summary
Learn to manage the look and feel of the portal with the Styling Liferay with Themes course. This one-day course covers the structural and code level of Liferay Themes. Learn how Liferay implements Bootstrap through AlloyUI as well as advanced options and theme configuration. From modifying a Site to Responsive Design, you will finish the course with extensive knowledge and fantastic guidance on user experience.
What can you learn?
At the end of the course, you will know how to develop a Liferay Theme that will include:
- Understanding Theme Architecture
- How to build a base Theme
- Apply HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- Configuration options using Theme Settings
- Configuration options using Color Schemes
- Using Freemarker or Velocity in a Liferay Theme
- Use SASS and Compass
- Use AlloyUI in your Theme
- Using Alloy Bootstrap in your Theme
- Developing a page layout
- Understand how to think about Responsive Design
- Create a Site Template using your Theme
Course topics
- How to install Liferay using Liferay Developer Studio
Understanding Themes in Liferay
- Theme architecture
- Page Layouts in Liferay
- User management through organizations and user groups
How to build a theme in Liferay
- Basic Theme Creation
- How to manage custom code in Themes
- Understanding the HTML structure of a Liferay page
- How to handle cross-browser differences in Liferay
Configurable options in Liferay themes
- Use theme properties to provide custom options in Liferay
- Use color schemes to provide custom CSS and image variations
Use Velocity in appearance themes
- Understanding Velocity
- Basic use of Velocity
How to create page layouts
- What is a page layout?
- Creating a basic page layout
Additional Features in Liferay Themes
- Leveraging SASS and Compass in a Liferay Theme
- Introduction to AlloyUI
- Responsive Design in Liferay Themes
- Create site templates and import content using Themes
General information on best practices
- Best Practices for Accessibility Technologies and Themes
Requirements: knowledge of HTML and CSS.
Version: 6.2
Hours: 20
Do you want to take this course? Request more information
Email: info@nanforiberica.com , Phones: +34 91 031 66 78 / +34 605 98 51 30, WhatsApp: +34 685 60 05 91 , Our Offices