Python Fundamentals Course - SCORM


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Python Fundamentals Course - SCORM

This course is taught in online mode and consists of 8 units.

The duration of the course is 60 hours that is distributes between content and collaboration tools. Upon completion, students will receive a certificate of completion.


  • To give students a sense of ability and strength when facing problems that involve programming.
  • Provide students with the notions and knowledge necessary to have basic programming skills (generally and in Python in particular).
  • Provide students with effective information search skills.
  • To provide the student with the ability to divide complex problems into manageable parts.

Course content

Topic 1: Programming and algorithms at a theoretical level

  • What is a program
  • What are programming languages?
  • Elements of a program
  • Tools for programming
  • Algorithms

Topic 2: Introduction to Python3

  • What is Python
  • Installing Python
  • Anaconda as a work environment

Topic 3: Python3 and mathematical calculations

  • Variables and data types
  • Working with numbers
  • Keyboard input
  • Arithmetic operators
  • Conditionals
  • Loops
  • Chain manipulation
  • Lists
  • Dictionaries
  • Sets and tuples
  • Functions

Topic 4: Accessing SQL Databases with Python

  • What is a database
  • SQLite
  • Python modules for working with databases

Topic 5: Introduction to graphical representation with Python

  • User interfaces
  • Tkinter module

Topic 6: Object-oriented programming

  • What is object-oriented programming?
  • Difference with procedural programming
  • Classes and objects

Topic 7: Scalable programming with microservices architectures

  • What are microservices?
  • Difference with monolithic architectures
  • Scalable programming with microservices
  • Good practices

Topic 8: Other advanced topics and Python

  • Archives
  • Errors and exceptions


    • Ability to use computers to launch programs, open and save files, navigate menus and application interfaces.
    • Ability to understand logical concepts such as comparisons
    • Basic knowledge of mathematics
    • Ability to create, understand and follow structured instructions or step-by-step procedures.


    For SCORM package pricing and licensing requirements, please contact us.

    Email: , Phones: +34 91 031 66 78 / +34 605 98 51 30, WhatsApp: +34 685 60 05 91 , Our Offices


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