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Email: info@nanforiberica.com , Phones: +34 91 031 66 78 / +34 605 98 51 30, WhatsApp: +34 685 60 05 91 , Our Offices

Course summary
The Developing for the Liferay Platform 2 course delves into the use of the Liferay and Service Builder APIs. Starting from a firm foundation you will work with some of the main APIs to integrate applications. You will learn how to use workflows, the social media API, and the search API, among others. Customize your services with multiple data sources, custom SQL queries and much more. Get ready and prepare your applications for the real world!
What can you learn?
At the end of the course, you will know all the possibilities that Liferay offers you, among others:
- Creating interactive and dynamic content widgets with AlloyUI
- Establish user relationships with the Social API
- Extending the Asset Framework in the application
- Putting data into a workflow
- Making data findable
- Using Service Builder to create web services
- Use Service Builder to connect to other databases
- Extending Service Builder using custom SQL and Dynamic Queries
- Using Liferay APIs for Messaging and Scheduling
- Customizing the indexing of Liferay objects
- Making data more accessible and search engine friendly
- Exporting and importing data with LARs
- Activate staging for your application
- Rapid application development using Liferay Web Content Management System
Course topics
- General information about AlloyUI
- Widgets
- Events and Ajax
- Better practices
Social Collaboration with Liferay
- Introduction to Liferay Social API
- Social relationships
- Social activities
- Introduction to the Liferay Collaboration API
- Using the Assets framework in a custom application
- Add Workflow Support in a Custom Application
- Tags and Categories
- Discussions and Ratings
Advanced use of Service Builder
- Remote services configuration
- Access to external databases with Service Builder
- Custom SQL Finders
- Custom SQL Joins
- Dynamic database queries
Liferay APIs
- Sending synchronous and asynchronous messages with Message Bus
- Creating scheduled tasks
- API indexing and searching
Liferay APIs (cont.)
- Configuring friendly URLs for specific content
- Import and export data for custom portlets
- SEO with Liferay
Rapid Application Development (RAD) with Liferay CMS
- RAD in Liferay CMS
- Use Structures to collect user messages
- Velocity Templates
- Access to Liferay services in a custom template
- Using custom fields to model data
- Custom Velocity Variables
- Integrating AlloyUI into a custom app
Requirements: Developing for the Liferay Platform 1
Version: 6.2
Hours: 60
Do you want to take this course? Request more information
Email: info@nanforiberica.com , Phones: +34 91 031 66 78 / +34 605 98 51 30, WhatsApp: +34 685 60 05 91 , Our Offices