Training the IT trainers

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Description-General Information

In ICT it is possible to find professionals of high technical level whose communication skills and transmission of knowledge are not the most appropriate to generate learning. Due to this problem that Nanfor has had since 1988 it has developed training courses of trainers applied to ICT, since traditional training of trainers courses suffer from the ICT component, not only for the contents to be shown but for the type of person who will receive the course, their concerns, psychology and final objectives of the training. In the market there are many training courses for trainers that are not carried out by experts in ICT knowledge transmission, aspects on how to interact with simulations and practices with advanced laboratories must be explained by technicians and not only by psychologists or pedagogues. Our program integrates the experiences and knowledge of professional pedagogues with ICT trainers of high technical level who obtain day-to-day evaluations of their higher courses of 4.5 out of 5. " Docendo discimus-Teaching we learn " Seneca.

The course is oriented to the needs of the student, checking according to our methodology that the teacher in the development of the course generates a direct impact on the role of the student.

ISCP-Instructional Skills Certification Program

Audience Profile

This course is aimed at any professional who wants to teach ICT courses to professionals in the sector and people who want to join the ICT sector. Specifically, it is based on the pedagogical, technical and skills requirements that global manufacturers such as Microsoft require for their trainers in their training programs. Anyone who is interested in ICT teaching is likely to receive it and prepare to improve the qualities and qualifications of the most demanding ICT manufacturer.

Likewise, it is aimed at professional trainers who want to access technological training and know its differences, training providers who want to improve their training quality ratios and training departments that need to increase their results through high-performance training actions.

Objectives at the end of the course

  • Understand and cultivate the concept: "Preparation is the foundation of success." Learn how to design an effective training agenda for success
  • Meet course participants before course starts
  • Analyze and understand the objectives of the training action based on the components of the training
  • Apply the famous quote from the Latin thinker Lucius Annaeus Seneca: " Donec iter docendi per theoriis; brevis et efficax per exempla : Long is the path of teaching by means of theories; brief and effective by means of examples"
  • Understand the dimensions of the teaching process in terms of time, content, recipients of training and objectives
  • Teach how to motivate course participants to learn digital content
  • Learn and teach how to use official manufacturing laboratories
  • Learn and teach how to use simulations, videos, teaching materials, practices and useful complements for the transfer of ICT knowledge
  • Use different learning rhythms
  • Improve learning with tools used in face-to-face training (electronic whiteboards, flipcharts, projector use, digital screens and others)
  • Improve training education with digital solutions and digital designs
  • Apply teaching methodologies such as the descriptive method and the discovery method
  • Understand the methodology of designing practices and teaching materials for ICT content
  • Internalize what not to do to achieve the success of the course
  • Learning psychologically to prepare you to provide training: "One course, one challenge"
  • Keys to success, how to achieve 5s out of 5
  • Share activities with participants and interact with them
  • Master the methods of interaction with students in face-to-face courses
  • Apply methods of interaction with participants in teleface-to-face courses. Examples and practices
  • Manage and understand the methods of interaction with the participants in the e-learning courses. Examples and practices
  • Knowing an official trainer program: the Microsoft MCT case
  • Benefits and obligations of the MCT

Course Details Content

Unit/Module 1: Introduction to the training of ICT trainers

  • Teaching skills

  • Knowledge, its transfer and ICT environments

  • Past experiences

  • The main components of the training actions: Time, students, objectives, knowledge base, value proposition, materials, interactions with participants
    The final result


  • Role play

Unit/Module 2: Course preparation

  • Know the learning objectives
  • Knowledge of the trainer
  • The knowledge of the students
  • Components used for transfer
  • Analysis and performance evaluation
  • The expectations
  • The results


  • An exercise will be carried out with a real case study and the participant will prepare an action plan with an estimate of results.

Unit/Module 3: The dimensions of the learning process

  • The dimensions of the teaching process based on time, content, recipients of training and objectives
  • Preparation of the course agenda
  • Design of activities, practices and interactions
  • Selection of training materials
  • The motivation of the teacher and that of the students
  • Use of teaching and learning rhythms


  • In groups of 2/3 people create a motivation plan for the students, define the main motivation factors of the students.

Unit/Module 4: The learning components in ICTs

  • Main differences of ICT training with other subjects
  • The solutions that generate the greatest transfer of learning: laboratories, simulations, real environments, others
  • Analysis of the groups that make up each training action. Learning levels, objectives
  • time and modality
  • Components by modality
  • Use of official manufacturing laboratories: advantages and points to consider
  • Use simulations, videos, teaching materials, practices and useful complements for the transfer of ICT knowledge
  • The tools used in face-to-face training (electronic whiteboards, flipcharts, use of the projector, digital screens and others)
  • eLearning content, platforms, content and support. Advantages for hybrid training
  • The use of Artificial Intelligence to increase the rate of learning transfer


  • Using official Microsoft labs, see differences. Each participant will show the group the use of the official lab and its benefits

Unit/Module 5: The evolution of learning during the course

  • The empathy of the trainer with the students
  • How to promote communication with participants
  • Linking learning day by day. The daily agenda and the course agenda
  • The adaptation of the course to the learning objectives and those of the participants
  • The ability to orient a base content to changing objectives according to the participants
  • Measure the satisfaction of the participant during the development of the course
  • Motivate and propose tasks and activities to be carried out during the course
  • Measure learning in the course


  • Propose control methods for learning and satisfaction during the course

Unit/Module 6: MTMs or how to measure results

  • The end of the formation
  • Analysis of objectives achieved
  • How to link what was seen in the course with the basic objectives of the course
  • Forms of learning assessment
  • Evaluation in continuous training
  • Evaluation to the participants
  • Teacher evaluation
  • The case of Microsoft: how MCTs trainers are evaluated in official Microsoft MTMs courses


  • Analysis and conclusions of the data based on the MTMs, obtaining feedback and improvement

Unit/Module 7: The official training program for the main ICT manufacturers: The case of Microsoft

  • The official certifications of the manufacturers for the students
  • Microsoft Competencies and Solutions for Microsoft Technology Solution Providers
  • The manufacturing ecosystem: Distis, managed partners, unmanaged partners, partners and end customers
  • The advantages of being MCT
  • Certification maintenance obligations
  • MCT service quality


A case study of a Microsoft solution and how many certified professionals you need and in what subjects


The participant must initially have a minimum of one year experience as a trainer in group or individual training actions and explain their previous experience in these learning transfer activities.


Since 1989 we offer training courses of ICT trainers by trainers who daily are dedicated to delivering these courses with significant success. We have hundreds of testimonials on our website.

Duration and modality

  • In Telepresence mode: The course lasts 18 hours over 3 days. Training in this modality is subject to quorum and with dates to be defined. Please consult.
  • In the virtual modality (Hybrid Model): The course lasts 40 hours and three months of access to the platform.

The training is given by trainers with more than 10 years of experience in training ICT courses and certified by different manufacturers and entities certifying training for trainers. During the course, the different skills to be obtained will be explained interactively and each instructor will request a demo session from the student in which they demonstrate their teaching skills on a specific topic. The course will delve into the most efficient teaching methods, teaching styles, evaluations, activities and feedback.


Practice and learning materials will be delivered for the final session


Two presentations to the panel of instructors for review and analysis in video format

Trainers and tutors

Nanfor has trainers specialized in psychology of technology learning with more than 30 years of experience in training of trainers and training of technologies and thousands of courses taken. Their training is heterogeneous from educational psychologists to ICT experts who carry out training activities for ICT professionals for more than 30 years. The staff of instructors will be mixed formed by teaching pedagogues and ICT teachers.

Information related to training

Soporte siempre a tu lado

Training support: Always by your side

Formación presencial y telepresencial

Do you need another training modality?


Bonuses for companies