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Course contents
1. Introduction
2. IDE: Adobe Flash builder
3. Library and project management
- POO: Why is there no polymorphism in AS3?
- Advanced Collections (HierarchicalData)
- AS3 and Flex duality
- Flex 3 Vs Flex 4
- SDK management
- HTMLTemplate
- Project properties (dynamic libraries)
- Compilation variables
6. Advanced components
- DateChooser - DateTime
- tree
- AdvancedDataGrid
- Custom ItemRenders
7. Other components
- UltimateDataGrid
- FlexCalendar
- Dock
- TimePicker
- DualSlider
- AutoComplete Search
8. Other containers
9. Other layouts
- CoverFlow
- Accordion3d
- TimeMachine
10. Graphics
- Data management (filtering, bindings…)
- Visual customization (styles, visual effects...)
- Other graphics not included in the SDK
11. Advanced event handling
- Custom events
- Declare events for MXML
12. “Front” component factory:
- Architecture to create our own advanced generic components
- Communication son -> father and vice versa
- Abstraction and reuse
- Custom components library (import and SWC)
13. Design Patterns
- Two way binding
- Singleton and MVC review
14. Remote Data Access (RPC)
- HttpService
- web service
- RemoteObject (AMF3)
- Value Object (VO)
- ObjectProxy
- Sequence asynchronous requests
15. Generation of dynamic interfaces from AS3
16. Modularity in Flex
17. Parameterization (applications, modules and sub-applications)
18. JavaScript and Flex
- External Interface
- CallBacks
19. Local data storage
20. XML processing and filtering (e4x)
21. JSON arseo
22. Styling and Skining
23. Drag & Drop
24. Localization (Multi-language applications)
25. Security notions
26. Optimization notions
27.Adobe AIR
Final evaluation
Quality Questionnaire
Previous requirements
The student who wants to take the course needs to have basic programming knowledge
Hardware: Multimedia PC
Pentium IV or higher, 1 Gb of memory, sound card, speakers/headphones
Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7
Browsers: Explorer 6,7 and 8 or Firefox 2 and 3
Java 1.5 or higher
Adobe Flash Player 7.0 or higher
Javascript enabled
Adobe Reader 8.0 or higher