Salesforce: Reporting Fundamentals

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Course description. Salesforce: Service Cloud Administration

    • Modality: Teletraining. 115 hours up to 3 months of access.
    • Fee: Request offer


    Value services with Salesforce:

    • Technological solutions
    • Vertical solutions
    • Integration with third parties
    • Mobility solutions
    • Training Solutions
    • Course description
    • Apex Platform

    Course content

    • Report Tab, Folders and Formats
    • Navigate the reports tab to find suitable reports.
    • Create report and dashboard folders.
    • Describes the different formats of reports.
    • Run and modify standard reports
    • Using the Report Builder
    • Understand the importance of a report building process.
    • Explain what a report type is
    • Determine when to use a standard report versus a custom report using a standard report type.
    • Print and Export your report.
    • Summarize Your Data
    • Understand the difference between a Summary and a Matrix Report
    • Use bucket fields to segment your data.
    • Use custom summary formulas to perform calculations on your report data.
    • Getting more Insight from your Data
    • Add conditional highlighting to a report.
    • Create charts to display summary data.
    • Schedule and email a report to run.
    • Dashboards
    • Articulate what a dashboard is.
    • Understand the concept of the running user
    • Create a dashboard using the Dashboard Builder
    • Understand drill downs, snapshots and push alerts.

    Introduction to Reports

    Students will learn the following:

    -What are Reports and Why use them?

    -Where are Reports?

    -Create/Customise/Delete Reports

    -Tabular, Summary, Joined and Matrix Reports

    -Formula Fields in Reports

    -Bucket Fields in Reports

    -Report Types

    -Visibility of Reports

    -Schedule Reports

    -Export Reports

    +–Understanding Reports

    Students will learn the general gist about Reports as well as the advantages about them.

    What are Reports and Why use them?

    Shows students where they can find Reports within the Salesforce platform.

    Where are Reports?

    +–Creating and Modifying Reports

    Students will learn how to create all the different formats of Reports.

    Creating Reports

    Students will quickly learn how to modify and delete Reports.

    Modifying and Deleting Reports

    Students will learn how to specifically create a Tabular Report.

    How to create a Tabular Report?

    Students will learn how to specifically create a Summary Report.

    How to create a Summary Report?

    Students will learn how to specifically create a Matrix Report.

    How to create a Matrix Report?

    Students will learn how to specifically create a Joined Report.

    How to create a Joined Report?

    +–Report Features

    Students will learn how to create Formula fields in reports.

    Formula Fields in Reports

    Students will learn the benefits of and how to create Bucket Fields

    Bucket Fields in Reports

    Students will learn about how to create different report types. Salesforce has standard report types built-in, this lecture will show students how to create custom report types.

    Report Types

    Visibility of Reports

    Scheduling Report

    Export Reports

    Quiz on Reports

    +–Introduction to Dashboards

    +–Understanding Dashboards

    Students will understand the basic principles about Dashboards and why they are used.

    What are Dashboards and Why use them?

    Navigation though the Salesforce platform showing students where they can find Dashboards.

    Where can you find Dashboards?

    +–Creating, Modifying and Deleting Dashboards

    Student learn how to create and edit Dashboards.

    Creating and Editing Dashboards

    Graphs within a Dashboard are known as components. This lecture shows students how to edit these components to display data in different ways.

    Customizing Dashboard Components

    Student will learn the key features of Dashboards that differentiate it from other Objects.

    Deleting Dashboards

    +–Dashboard Features

    Students will learn how to create Dynamic Dashboards and the advantages of them.

    Dynamic Dashboards

    Students will learn how to implement Dashboard Filters and the advantages of them.

    Dashboard Filters

    Students are informed of how to schedule Dashboards.

    Scheduling Dashboards

    Tip: Joined Reports and Dashboards

    You will be tested on everything you've learned about Dashboards!

    Quiz on Dashboards!

    +–Understanding List Views

    A general introduction to the understanding of what List Views are.

    What are List Views?


    Enables students to quickly identify where to find List Views on a page and on which objects.

    Where are List Views?

    Students will be able to distinguish between List Views and Reports including the pros and cons of List Views.

    How are List Views and Reports different?

    This lecture highlights the key benefits of using List Views.

    Why use List Views?

    Final evaluation
    Quality Questionnaire

    The content may vary to adapt to the group and Salesforce news.

    Addressed to

    Reporting Fundamentals is designed for all users, including Sales and Service Managers, business analysts and administrators who need to use Salesforce reports to analyze their data.

    Previous requirements

    The prerequisites include a solid understanding of basic Salesforce concepts and functionality.

    Software and hardware requirements

    • Hardware: Multimedia PC
    • Pentium IV or higher, 1 Gb of memory, sound card, speakers/headphones
    • Software:
    • Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
    • Internet browser (Internet Explorer 9 or higher, Mozilla, Firefox, Chrome or any current browser compatible with html5)


    If you are interested in taking this course in any training modality, please contact us.

    Information related to training

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    Training support: Always by your side

    Formación presencial y telepresencial

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