VMware AirWatch: Configure and Manage - On Demand

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Course Overview

This course provides insight into the current challenges of enterprise mobility and how AirWatch can help you solve those challenges. You will gain a comprehensive view of all AirWatch® Enterprise Mobility Management™ solutions, key device platforms, and an overview of AirWatch architecture. This course provides the foundational skills necessary to manage the AirWatch platform.

    Course Objectives

    By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:
    • Enroll devices in your enterprise environment, configure and update device settings over the air, and secure a diverse fleet of mobile devices
    • Select the email deployment strategy that best fits your business and security requirements
    • Manage internal, public, and purchased applications across managed devices
    • Enable secure mobile access to content anytime, anywhere while protecting sensitive content
    • Gain insight into major platforms, including iOS, Android, and Windows 10

        Target Audience

        • AirWatch Administrators, Solutions Architects, Solutions Engineers, Sales Engineers, Consultants, Support or Service Desk, Installers or Implementation Specialists

        Course Modules

        1. Basic AirWatch Architecture
        2. Introduction to AirWatch
        3. Mobile Device Management Fundamentals
        4. Mobile Email Management Fundamentals
        5. Mobile Application Management Fundamentals
        6. Mobile Content Management Fundamentals
        7. Next Steps

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                          Information related to training

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                          Training support: Always by your side

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