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Led by Repsol, Gestamp, Navantia, Técnicas Reunidas, Telefónica, Microsoft, Airbus and Ferrovial, the objective of the association is to position Spain as a benchmark in the use of data and artificial intelligence in the industrial field.

IndesIA, the Spanish association of artificial intelligence for the industry, formed by eight large Spanish companies, Repsol, Gestamp, Navantia, Técnicas Reunidas, Telefónica, Microsoft, Airbus and Ferrovial, has elected the board of directors that will be in charge of its management over the next few years. three years.

The project is chaired by Valero Marín (Repsol), vice chaired by Donato Martínez (Navantia) and its treasurer is Pablo de la Puente (Gestamp). They are accompanied, as members, by Juan Carlos García (Telefónica), José María de la Fuente (Microsoft), Marcos D. Bauer (Técnicas Reunidas), Isabel del Pozo (Airbus) and Javier Lázaro (Ferrovial).

The direction of the association will be Nuria Ávalos. IndesIA also has the support of the Basque Artificial Intelligence Center (BAIC), as a reference advisor, and with Accenture, which participates in the project, as the Value Achievement Office, to promote the execution of its initiatives.

Its mission is to launch initiatives with which to position Spain as a reference in the use of data and artificial intelligence in the industrial field, with the aim of placing our country in a hub international reference in this matter. Among its objectives, the development of a new economy that generates growth in the country also stands out, in a context in which the industrial sector in Spain faces great challenges.

IndesIA also has the purpose of helping to increase the competitiveness of the Spanish industry through the automation and optimization of processes, while promoting sustainability throughout the value chain. In this sense, they will also promote research for the development of new materials with less environmental impact and the commitment to the circular economy.

Promotion of employment and training

On the other hand, the transformation of employment will be promoted by focusing on the training of professionals, juniors and seniors, in new technologies. Thus reducing the existing training gap in the disciplines called STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics, in its acronym in English). The objective is to generate new highly qualified jobs and facilitate the attraction and retention of technological talent in Spain.

To this end, it will work with public and private educational institutions to define training itineraries to cover both the generalized knowledge that employees in the industrial sector must obtain, and to better understand how these solutions can help in the day-to-day life of organizations.

Technology for all companies

The association was born with the aim of expanding to reach the maximum number of companies and industrial environments in Spain and Europe. In this sense, IndesIA partners consider that artificial intelligence is already playing an important role among large companies in our country, with the presence of teams of big data or artificial intelligence, in most of them.

But its promoters, firmly convinced of the irreplaceable contribution that this integration can make to the growth, modernization and competitiveness of the national industry, have created this association with the desire to incorporate small and medium-sized Spanish companies, to help them in their transformation processes. digital.

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